23 August 2010

some minor adjustments

note to self:

never say "I'm starving", because you sure as hell don't know what that really feels like.
also, don't say you hate things so often, because do you really? do you really hate it? it can't be that bad. get over it.
don't judge people so quickly, don't get mad so easily, be more patient, try to be happier, stop being selfish, and clean your fucking room.

oh, and don't forget how fortunate you are.

you have a job, have money in the bank, you have food, water, clothing, shelter and an education. you have access to modern medicine and technology. you've never had to flee religious persecution. you have no idea what war is like. you're in good health, you have family and friends, you have a car, a cell phone, a laptop, an ipod, way too many shoes and way too much free time. your biggest problem as of right now is what you're going to wear to a party. i mean, come on. seriously.


just a friendly reminder.

1 comment:

  1. you tell em sista! this should direct to a certain person who complains & ignores individuals who are always so nice to them! sorry..i just had to let it out.
